Ron Paul and the Austrian School

January 25, 2012 § 2 Comments

By Daniel Krynicki,

I keep hearing from many of you about how good Ron Paul is.  Among the field of candidates, it is possible that he is nearly the best we have.  But as the writer below asserts, discerning souls should have a much better grasp of what his economics will entail.  Some of his non-economic logic is even predicated on what he mistakenly identifies as fiscal responsibility.  More precisely Mr. Paul’s agenda is dead set in his libertarian background which was cultivated by the late Ayn Rand (Alisa Rosenbaum) in Atlas Shrugged.  The more I learn about him, the more I see him leading us to Bix Weir’s Road to Roota.  I’m here to tell you that there is not one candidate I would vote for president except Richard Eastman. ( )

Ron Paul is not good if he can’t get America’s agenda onto the right track.  How can it be possible that we have dearth in the land of plenty?  This right track can only begin by completely taking away the power to create money from corporations called banks.  The private issue of America’s currency is an un-Constitutional process and our woes will only intensify until Congressional Constitutional monetary authority begins anew.

History has proved that this immoral debt/usury money creation process is behind the cause of every panic, recession and depression since well before Andrew Jackson’s era.  I include in this category all privately created money, including money that they claim is backed by gold as Ron Paul encourages.  The gold owners never cede possession of their gold when they create money through the debt/usury process, and therefore never risk anything in any loan arrangement.  Yet they are able to confiscate assets borrowers have held for twenty years and more while making payments to the money creators.  The banks risk nothing, they put up nothing except the paper and ink of their check and yet are able to continue the process of confiscating Americans’ property until one day soon it will be as Thomas Jefferson predicted: Americans will wake up as tenants on the land that their forefathers conquered.  Why?  Because they didn’t possess the mental acuity to keep the bankers out of the money creation business.  Property ownership by individuals and families should be sacrosanct.  No private or public agency of any kind should be able to confiscate anyone’s primary residence tract of real estate, even if it is a five hundred acre agricultural or livestock tract.  Real estate property taxes are an abomination and were even as such in ancient Israel under the Mosaic Law.

The article below (referring to this A.M.) covers historical data that is not properly considered by most historians because the data is intrinsically economic and controlled primarily by oligarchs.  This is the cause behind every effect we witness as history unfolds.  When Americans ignore such historical writings without considering the economics of every era, they guarantee that we will continue to experience the very worst of possible outcomes.

Most of the people in my address book are openly Christian.  We need to realize that the Mosaic Law prohibited usury for some very good reasons.  This Divine injunction was set in place for an example to us all.  No monetary system that employs debt/usury as the only way to inject money into the currency stream will ever cause prosperity.  It causes the opposite: debt slavery.  Also, those who create money through debt/usury are guilty of fraud.  And we are dupes for allowing such a giant Ponzi-like scam to continue operating.  I tell you truthfully, Ron Paul would replace our present debt/usury based monetary system with just another variation of a similar Ponzi-like scam operation, keeping the power to create money in the hands of the same privately owned corporations called banks with the same ability to control the boom and bust cycles.  This is what he has learned from the likes of Lew Rockwell and Gary North over at the Austrian School of Ludwig von Mises.

We now have the language skills and we have also available a mountain of historical data to help us analyze the debt based monetary systems in comparison with non-debt based systems that haven’t even been tried yet.  Question: Did Caesar’s Rome pay tribute to banks when Rome minted money?  Another Question: Does the US Government pay interest on minted coins?  The answer to both questions is no.  The bankers have ceded minted coins in circulation as interest free, or as I like to say usury free.  Please consider that all these coins are fiat as much as the dollars in circulation are because they bear the imprint of the United States Government.  Money is money, whether it is coin or if it is linen and ink.  It can be used for evil purposes and it can be used to do good.  It can be likened to the Second Amendment cartoon I saw about twenty-five years ago with a picture in it of a revolver that was used in a crime.  The anti-gun mob placed a noose around the revolver and commenced to hang the revolver.  This great example of mis-placed blame to an inanimate object can also be used to show how inane arguments are against fiat currency.  By definition, all money is fiat.  It has to be injected into the currency stream somehow.  People like Tom Demeter put themselves into the forefront of this argument by writing articles which condemn fiat currency.  I have refrained from replying directly to him about this because he really comes off as an idiot.  Did the Apostle Paul write that fiat money is evil?  He did not.  He wrote that, “the love of money is the root of all evil”.  It therefore stands to reason that whoever has control to issue the currency (all currency is fiat) will be tempted to take advantage of those not in control.  If, somehow, we can find a way to issue the money; and at the same time foolproof its issue from abuse, then why don’t we do this.  I’ll tell you why here and now: It is because there is a choir so vocal and so loud echoing the chants subtly taught to them by the existing money creators, they cannot even hear their own righteous thoughts.  They are deceived by adversaries, moles, agent provocateurs.

Those of us who are Christians should therefore be able to discern that it is the usury in the creation of money where the mischief of men is apparent, not in fiat money.  Look at the Pharisees who asked Jesus if it was lawful to pay tribute to Caesar.  Jesus asked them, “Show Me the tribute money.” (Here is that word money again.  Dare we say that it was fiat?)  And they brought Him a penny.  And He said, “Whose is this image and superscription?”.  They replied, “Caesars”.  Then He said unto them, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s”.  What can we learn from this passage?  We can only learn if we recognize conventional similarities between both the ancient Koine Greek dialect and our own modern English language.  The King James Version is considered a modified literal translation of the New Testament painstakingly agreed upon by numerous scholars from both Cambridge and Oxford Universities.  Although this KJV is fraught with the limitations of 16th and 17th Century scholarship, the general tenor of the translation is acceptable for Bible readers with only a few exceptions of paraphrasing.  So the denarius coin passage of Matthew 22, Mark 12 and Luke 20 all refer to money.


1. Money is good.  Fiat is better because it is usury free and is not owed to anyone.  It is a convenient ticket system to conduct business transactions.  It is universally accepted for private payments and taxes.
2. It would be even better if there was enough of it for everyone to buy what they need to live, i.e. basic necessities.
3. For those who work it would also be better if they could own property and have abundance in all areas, including the ability to save (a built in reward system for people who work).
4. Fiat money is not inherently evil as Tom Demeter would have us believe.  When I donate to Salvation Army, isn’t some desperate soul fed and given a warm place to sleep?  A good act has been accomplished with this fiat money.  It is not the fiat money that is bad, it is the usury.

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